Sleeper Awakened

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John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017)

3/3/2017 - John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017) - 5/10


The sequel we did not need did mostly what it did last time: deliver solid no frill action, smartly lined with an intriguing undercurrent of world building flavor. Unfortunately, we got a bit too much of the same and too little of the magic. We saw more of the world, which was interesting but it grew a bit tone deaf. The further we went into this underbelly, the more ridiculous it got. The action was tight, focused, and intense. But as it went on and on, the already stripped downess grew threadbare and monotonous. It was hard to tell if the shortcomings and piling-ons were purposeful jabs at the genre or silly & uninteresting flubs in the story/film series.

Chapter 2 is satisfying and both does & doesn't try for too much. That is its biggest problem. The slimness of the frame just doesn't allow for more weight to be put upon it. They tried to throw some on, but it was fat (excessive scene chewing by Stormare and Fishburne) & gristle (silly, plaid out and cliche story bits like a big stand-off in a mirror room), not useful muscle. I grew weary by the end.

JW2 is the dichotomy between too much and too little. There is enough there for fun, but it is not quite fulfilling.

Side note: little Gary Stuish this round.