Sleeper Awakened

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SILENCE (2016)

2/18/2017 - Silence (2016) – 6+/10

Should be agonizing and crushing, but there were so many passable lulls and lack of identification with the characters that left me wanting. I understood their persons, their passions, and their plight, but never did I truly feel for & with them. The film’s look was luxurious and fruitful, brilliantly highlighting the majesty of the natural world (in sight, sound, and cosmological significance) in Japan. The design and dimensionality of the set/location and period elements was so strong. Unfortunately, the story left me wanting.

I cannot hate on the actors. They seemed to devote themselves to the roles, but I wasn’t as into the casting. Something about Garfield and Driver felt “off” the whole time. Perhaps it was just the roles they were given and story trying to be told. It was an inculcation of Christianity’s “Via Dolorosa” in Japan, the tribulations and miseries of both the priests and their parishioners, but I wanted more than the “whip & thorns”. I appreciated story’s aim, but grew weary of its methods and predominant myopia. I might not have felt such a lacking if the characters drew me in more.

To a certain audience, looking at the history and an examination of their transformative faith, this will be a film of unending dialogue and deeply sincere truths. For me, it was an appreciable beauty that left me somewhat apathetic in the end. An undeniably good and finely fashioned film that I just didn’t truly care about.