1/18/2016 - Bridge of Spies - 6+/10
A well-made film that did nothing for me. I didn't feel the cutting edge drama or intense stakes necessary. It just seemed to be going through the motions. This is a quite well made "meh" film.
It was standard Spielberg style and fare, which I assume we are all supposed to automatically adore. Honestly, I can't say I ever really cared. It hit all the predictable and expected beats. There are a couple good performances. But the dramatic resonance was muted and the metaphors were shoved in there. I expected more, but it does not try and probe any depths, just give a cursory palatable classical feel to a historical story. Other than the obviously adept techniques and tech, this felt like an old Hollywood film that might be pumped out and forgotten. Certainly well made, but I felt little love in it nor much personal stake.
Technically, it is a superior film. But it is the lovely and well-built robot that has no soul.