Sleeper Awakened

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10/27/2016 - Michael Moore in Trumpland (2016) - 3+/4-/10

A mix between a stand-up routine and a seminar, light on the humor and cursory substance. Plays more like a love-letter to Hillary, a slight jab at Trump and a self-serving Moore ideas jerk-off session.

It's a messy hit-and-miss scattershot of ideology, supposed jokes, and commentary. There are insightful and heartfelt moments, but they are few and far between. It's never tedious, but I don't think it ever delivers on the opportunities it provides or cogently solidifies any of the narrative & dialectic structures it plays at constructing.

It's not funny enough to be funny, pointed enough to be argumentative or revolutionary enough to effect change. It's just there, weakly providing song & dance where it seemed there should have been fireworks & scholastics.