Sleeper Awakened

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8/11/2015 - Fantastic Four (2015) - 3/10

Putting "fantastic" anywhere around this film should be a crime. This movie could figure nothing out, failing on near every level except for maybe it's basic tone, which was "kinda new comic movies dark but not having any substance or use". The plot reminded of that failed Office Space game: a "Jump-to-Conclusions Mat". Things would happen, without a genesis or design. Characters were flawed in all respects, and the actors obviously had nothing they could do to make it better.
It is true that the production of this film was a labored mess, a fact on full display in this cinematic crime. But the question we are left with is not "is this film bad?", but rather, "is this the WORST FF movie?" Perhaps.
The only answer I can give is to the real question: YES. Stop making FF films. You have all ruined it...