Sleeper Awakened

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1/17/2017 - Hostage to the Devil (2016) – 5-/10

A climactic and clean documentary, but it lacked true oomph and a real interrogation. Kind of “fluffy” at points, lacking a further introspection of the character & deeds of the exorcist priest in question.

At times, it wavered in the story it was telling, jumping between well done and thought out stylized sections (emptied den with flickering images of his interviews on an old tv, a general background examination of the Father, and “in process” stories of a couple exorcisms), never fully capitalizing on the info provided or keeping a coherent narrative.

Unfortunately, we also got far too little of the “negatives” of Mr. Martin and his practices. I also felt that most of us were probably viewing it to see more about/of exorcisms – that was sorely lacking.

Overall, it is a fine and slick doc feature. Just lacked the razzle dazzle and depth that I had hoped for. Solid, but wholly unspectacular.