Sleeper Awakened

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9/26/19. - Welcome to Mercy (2018) - 4+/10

Such potential for this one, but the true mercy was that this film didn’t last too long. I appreciated at least the lightest lip service played to the ambiguity of the situation - perhaps it is in her mind. That might at least put the audience off guard and add some genuine intrigue. They went a different way though. Conspiracy, familial turmoil, and bizarre supernatural shenanigans take the reigns and ride her off the road.

The script is just not tight and refined enough. The threads are ragged and often fall apart when pulled upon. It was a decent base to build off of, but it felt like a relatively basic dealing with the subject and turns it incorporated. More refinement in the elemental blocks and more impetus injected into the characters would have really energized the whole thing. 

There is a somewhat ludicrous key plot point that is given birth to in the final act. Quite the leap in logic to make, and if you are on board, it might really land with you. I was not and it didn’t. I groaned instead. It certainly did not aid in its culmination; thankfully it was short because I near completely abandoned it at this point. 

Perhaps one of the deepest religious guilt examples displayed on celluloid that I can remember for some time. So, that is something… It has some interesting elements but on the whole it didn’t work.