Sleeper Awakened

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2/19/19 - Overlord (2018) - 5+/10

This is the type of film that you expect to be bad. It is fairly generic, a plot ripped from a Call of Duty gameplay mode, with super zombies being created by Nazis and the US soldiers have to stop it. Sure, you know the gist of exactly what will happen, but it was actually pretty solid. The filmmaking and storytelling is solid and decently engaging. A definitive “not bad but actually pretty good” film.

The CGI was fairly adept. Sure, it is pretty obvious when it was prevalent (the fall from the plane, a destroyed face, flaming zombies, etc.) but it worked for this smaller feeling film. The characters are broad and simple though rarely are they annoying or groan inducing. Adepo is a great audience surrogate, Russell brings the right intensity, Ollivier instills heart, and Asbaek is a fantastically wicked villain. Everything fits in its place, not over doing it or attempting to rise above its station. It all works fairly well.

Yes. It is a WWII zombie flick and can’t be anything else. That said though, in the plainest language, it is enjoyable. Expectations bar is pretty low but it has no problem clearing it. There isn’t a ton to stick to your ribs or mull over, but at the time, it clicked and satisfied. I don’t think anyone who has a passing desire to try this out would be very disappointed.