Sleeper Awakened

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12/29/19 - Gemini Man (2019) - 3+/10

Ghost Dog zen sniper meets Jason Bourne, but much more dead-behind-the-eyes boring than either could fathom. A seeming waste of all involved, delivering us simply a lifeless clone of an interesting drama filled action movie - impotent and unremarkable.

Elementally, this sick puppy probably should have been put down. It’s amazing how bad the de-aging on the face looks sometimes. It was distracting in the same way that fake Leia in Star Wars: Rogue One was or the worst bits of The Irishman. Its CGI brethren certainly didn’t help as these fight scenes looked Gumby-levels of unbelievable. It would be funny if it wasn’t taking itself so seriously. In a similar way, the story was deathly dry and sighingly boring. Just an expected dry cough of an ill plot and unwell characters. 

It really would have been something to try and tell an interesting and unique tale here, perhaps with some real intrigue and some meaning. But no, we get sharply focused scrupulous set-pieces and vacant novella emptiness. I hated this “nature only matters” core to the clone-show, as if his experiences and social interactions had no bearing on forming who he is. Just. So. Dumb. Which is how you will leave the film as a whole.