A storm warning send a nuclear family into the shelter of the bathroom, whereupon they end up being stuck with a downed tree blocking their escape. But a tree not be the only thing out there… I would encapsulate it like The Mist meets an unfunny sitcom, but I must refrain, because even less hints about the true nature of the outside are ever delved upon. It is also somehow even less believable with the dangers, actions, and dialogue of the characters here. It is hard to keep invested outside the hopeful promise of finding out “what really lies behind that door?”
The set-up of an alternative girl, finding herself and her sexuality with a new friend who is dabbling in cutting, existential psychosis and black magic, at the detriment of those at school and maybe the entire world. Unfortunately, that is only explained in sparse flashbacks and even less characterization. The insane leaps in logic and fathomability proliferate as we are stuck with 4 unlikable people in a confined space; being our only source of information or entertainment. We get too much from those who shouldn’t and much too little from those that should. Once we finally reach the end, “not worth it” is a major understatement.
The possibility was there, but neither spooks nor speaking to issues really fermented into anything.