Sleeper Awakened

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7/6/22 - The Princess (2022) - 6-/10

Badass bloody Brave as we get a medieval reverse The Raid, a princess fighting her way from the top of the tower. Fun idea, solid execution, and tight & felt action set pieces.

A great inversion of the standard fairy tale trope. The “Prince Charming” is the antagonist and it is up to her to save herself and the kingdom. The action choreography and execution of the set-up was pretty good here, coming from the director of the generally solid Furie. Exciting and engaging. 

God, I hope there are some shitty alt-right white power professing keyboard warriors deriding this as woke liberal reimagined bs. With its embracing of other races and cultures and female empowerment kicking the greater political schema we are currently enduring right in the teeth. Dunking on them would be so sweet. 

It’s probably too violent and bloody to provide to small children, but it is the type of film that I think would benefit their developing worldviews. Here is a strong female lead, holding her own and kicking ass, fighting for what is right and changing social paradigms while doing it. Now, it would be great if she didn’t have to murder tons of people and save the day to be afforded the same prestige, power, and agency as someone born with a penis automatically acquires, but such is the way.

This was a breezy and lively 90 minutes that isn’t going to blow your mind but you will probably dig if you want some solid sword fighting shenanigans.