Sleeper Awakened

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2/27/23 - Close (2022) - 6+/7-/10

Some good and subtly knifing youth acting is on display here. The poster might lead you to believe that it might be horror, but this is a drama about the unspoken delicateness of friends growing up in that volatile 12-15 age range and how devastating  it can be when those relationships are questioned.

Much is derived from inference, with situations being displayed but not addressed with dialogue. This felt very true to life and though ethereal still deeply felt. Because you have to read so much into the performances and the silently profound moments, you get much more invested in the empathetic response that naturally builds. Or maybe you don’t.

Eventually the emotion blossoms throughout the film from unspoken to tearfully profound, but it is still muted and protracted for most of the film. The delicateness of the camera’s eye here will provide tender beautiful glimpses even if the heart isn’t shouted verbosely.

A sad slice of life.