Sleeper Awakened

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CIVIL WAR (2024)

5/4/24 - Civil War - 4+/5-/10

An elegant appearing vacant gape at the supposed horrors of war, journalism and the dehumanizing of polarized warfare (literal and figurative); all while actually saying very literal, never extending itself on an ideological branch, and lacking moral story imperative and excitement empathetically, eschatologically or martially. It sounds great (except for some cringe needle drops), has some concussive heft when the action hits, and the acting is venerable (though lacking legs behind their punches);  but these are trumpets without masters - fire and brimstone that ends up signifying very little.

It's a road trip film that lacks any dictation about moral compass or social value, and eschews judgment both on the atrocities surrounding and enveloping them within the film or without (Boogaloo boys or Antifa). It also refrains from engaging in a pursuit of journalistic rhetorical elitism - there is no thrust as to accentuate the proud purpose of journalism nor any high minded integrity of the craft - these are disengaged clout craving human storm chasers not striving to say something about or for humanity but trying to get a byline money shot. 

Unfeeling self-centered detached protagonists - one who has a crippling breakdown for no reason other than plot mechanics in the final act - to our journey's growth recipient who learns only to be heartless and is responsible for many deaths that are uncommented upon. If only the slayings of friends or foes carried any weight or development. 

A story out of its time, both in the combat used (drones, artillery, tech), journos (film cameras, still images, not a vlog or podcast to be found), and life (internet?). It's a film that purports to examine modern war and journalism, but could have just as easily been from the Vietnam era. Just begs the question of what about NOW is being commented upon, while ignoring everything else?

Left the film still questioning “what was the point?” It plainly didn’t really want to get into current American politics and division, one assumes for cynical money-making reasons, but also because I’m not sure how much it all matters to the filmmaker. Obviously, the sides are almost so ludicrous it breaks that disbelief barrier, so set all that aside. But we get a story about journalism that lacks heft beyond horror, saying nothing about the craft or its triumphs or role in society. Them not being in this film changes nothing. There is no point or theme, it’s all so vague to be meaningless and toothless to be impotent. There is a spirit about the dehumanizing "us vs them" "war is a monster that consumes both" - it’s not ideals but just trying to kill them before they kill you with a few random moments of bleak conflict murders/destruction of society, but none of that is enough. It places this all in CURRENT AMERICA but is divested from actually speaking about current America.

It sets up scenes that could really have been meals if it wasn’t all plate presentation without the steak. There are good scenes (the Jesse Plemons “What kind of American?” scene, stumbled backwards into accidentally as it was - he wasn’t cast except for the day before and the glasses were a last minute “they are there” addition - is the enduring vibe of the film and a thrilling portion of filmmaking) and some talent on the score, cinematography and core actors. It just isn't thrilling nor insightful enough to be a success.