Sleeper Awakened

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1/31/24 - Napoleon (2023) - 4-/10

What a boring slog this “history class come to life” is. Scott took on this immense task with its wide vistas & sprawling set pieces, but forgot to include a tactile and captivating story, a cast of characters that are beyond “I think I remember that name from high school”, and structure that wanted you to see what happens next rather than when it would be over. Are the costumes and the battlefields and the historical bravura present? Sure, but beyond a costume nomination or cutting it up to show to kids learning about the French Revolution or Napoleon's life, it lacked stakes and standing as far as a film goes.

Phoenix mopes through the runtime as Emperor of the world, while Kirby tries to hold your gaze with bewitching eyes of a life lived grimly but retreats into the ethereal void of interstitials between historical set pieces.

Disappointing and disillusioning, but it will definitely make some childrens’ French history chapters more enjoyable.