Sleeper Awakened

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2/4/24 - Elemental (2023) - 4+/10

Pretty generic kids film, highlighting a social issue with anthropomorphized creatures (this time a populace made of elements) as they find the progressive path towards self-awareness and community harmony. It isn't bad, it is just bland and somewhat uninteresting. Serviceable but uninspiring. It is another one of these cutesy Disney animated worlds where the logic and sensibility of the world falls apart under any scrutiny but it is about the love story between a fire lady and a water guy; it ain’t complicated. The world building takes a big lump of salt to be taken and just roll with the intended purpose. Pretty on the nose allegory to immigrants, 1st generational experiences and interracial relations

It does get its emotional punch in the last act, but it doesn't have much going on otherwise and nothing is sustained or impressive. It pushed for emotionality towards its rhetorical end but there was plenty that was lame or “scraping bottom” jokes before to poison the pudding.

Again, not a bad film and probably enjoyable for the youngsters but lacked specialness or peak possibilities.