2/7/18 - Una Mujer Fantastic (A Fantastic Woman) (2017) - 7-/10
Powerful subject matter and socially poignant, but it felt a little light overall to me as a drama. Some strong moments of pain, dejection, and sorrow within the existence of this trans woman, but the movement was quivering and wavering. The times of surreal expressionism were amiable and expanded the emotional existence of her story & the film overall, but jarred me everytime.
Perhaps it is her need to ramp down her emotions to function, not get in quarrels, and to stay level just made me feel a bit cold, despite my cognition of her motives and my empathy for her. I just kept waiting for the robust explosions of feeling to come, but her solemnity and solitude haunted the scenes instead.
This is a very good film blossoms slowly and sweetly. But its pollen will leave you desensitized and secluded, much like the experience of the main character. Perhaps that is the sign of a thoughtful and sharply executed film experience.