Sleeper Awakened

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10/13/19 - Happy Death Day (2017) - 6/10, Happy Death Day 2U (2019) - 4/10

The first is fun. It utilizes the trappings of a university slasher setting pretty well and delivers a pretty enjoyable mystery narrative. But, it drifts from slasherdome into a more wholesome morality dialogue of self-revelation. It might get a little too much touchy-feely when it could have used some more scare, but it doesn’t derail it and it stays solidly enjoyable like a mini-candy bar; with its light milk chocolate coating but dark and chewy nougat center.

The second almost wholly abandons the slasher/horror aspect to be a zannier and less thoughtful adventure. It is certainly watchable, but what made the first endearing and serious enough to engage with is lost for frivolous jokes and sloppy bits. I wouldn’t say it brings anything to the table worth seeing.